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Course 2

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Students learn the characteristics of clocks and the various types of mechanisms clocks are composed of.

Students design different applications involving light by learning about different types of light and their properties.

Students learn detailed explanations for the causes of earthquakes and seismic sea waves, and are encouraged to explore methods of minimalizing the damage caused by these natural phenomena.

Students are encouraged to build an interest in flight and deduct various methods and ideas involving the principle of flight.

Students explore the mathematic and scientific principles applicable to ship technology and are encouraged to imagine what a safe and futuristic ship would look like.

Students learn how computational thinking is utilized and how its various problem-solving capabilities are combined with one’s cognitive abilities to solve problems.

Students learn about artificial satellites, the scientific technology required to launch a satellite into space, and the importance of artificial satellites.

Students learn what structural characteristics constitute a sturdy and efficient structure, and infer what architectural structures might be utilized in the future.

Students learn what structural characteristics constitute a sturdy and efficient structure, and infer what architectural structures might be utilized in the future.

Students consider how energy can be used efficiently and learn about new ways of producing energy.

Students explore the scientific techniques behind the production of motion pictures and cameras.

Students explore the physical characteristics of wheels and the structure and principles of bicycles.

Students learn about thermal heat transfer, how thermal heat affects objects, and the impact it has in everyday life.

Students learn about materials with viscous and elastic properties in their surroundings and explore why materials exhibit these properties.

Students learn how amusement park rides are constructed based on scientific theories and are encouraged to inquire about various physical phenomena and principles.

Students explore the scientific principles of various directional tools that range from traditional compasses to modern navigation systems and think about the future of navigation.

Students explore properties of carbon compounds and the impacts carbon has on Earth. Moreover, students consider ways to reduce the use of carbon.

Students explore the mathematical principles in their surroundings by applying the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio.

Students are encouraged to think about what role they could play in the future of space technology by observing various examples.

Students learn about electrical phenomena based on frictional electricity and consider how it is applied in everyday life.

Students understand how the various characteristics of bubbles are applied in life and are encouraged to find other fields that utilize bubbles.

Students explore the various applications and components of electronic circuitry and consider how it has developed over time.

Students understand the structure and principle of displays and are encouraged to infer how displays will develop in the future.

Students are encouraged to build an interest in the subject of brains and brain engineering and infer the future of brain-related technology.